Thursday, May 20, 2010

Samy Vellu flexes muscles, expels Mugilan

May 20, 2010KUALA LUMPUR, May 20 — MIC president Datuk Seri S. Samy Vellu today flexed his muscles in the faces of those forcing him into an early retirement by summarily expelling Youth leader V. Mugilan from the party.

The embattled president had apparently sidestepped the party’s disciplinary committee to punish Mugilan (picture) and instead chose to exercise his presidential powers by directly expelling the MIC Youth deputy chief.

The Malaysian Insider received confirmation from a senior party leader this evening that an expulsion letter, issued personally by Samy Vellu himself, was now en route to Mugilan.

“The president has chosen not to use the avenue of referring Mugilan to the committee.

“He has the powers to do so, as the party president,” said the source.

Upon receiving his expulsion letter, Mugilan can choose to appeal the sentence with the party’s central working committee (CWC) or accept the president’s decision.

The CWC in turn can convene a meeting to discuss the appeal but the president and his deputy Datuk G. Palanivel would not be allowed to be present in the meeting.

Mugilan was slammed by Samy Vellu for calling him to resign by year-end ahead of his exit plan to leave eight or nine months before his term expires in May 2012.

Samy Vellu had insisted on sticking to his exit plan and had accused Mugilan of breaching disciplinary regulations when he acted against the party’s interests in the Hulu Selangor by-election.

He also said he would refer the Youth leader to the party’s disciplinary committee for further action.

Samy Vellu’s decision today to avoid the lengthier process of using the disciplinary board to punish Mugilan serves as a warning to other detractors in the party not to proceed with their campaign to remove him.

The Malaysian Insider was however unable to reach MIC secretary-general S. Murugessan to confirm if the expulsion letter had already been issued.

It is understood however that both the MIC Youth and Wanita wings that met this morning had demanded for the president to expel Mugilan for his act of speaking out against the president and working against the party in the Hulu Selangor by-election.

When contacted, Mugilan said if he was indeed expelled it would prove his accusation that Samy Vellu was a dictator.

“It is Samy Vellu who needs to be expelled, not me,” Mugilan said, adding that the president had overstayed his welcome.

“I am being expelled because I dare to speak up. MIC has no future if Samy Vellu stays on,” he said.

Mugilan also promised to continue his campaign to force Samy Vellu to retire by Dec 31 this year.

“Samy Vellu has nothing to his presidency... but scandals,” he said.

He challenged Samy Vellu to a debate on current issues and on the reasons why the latter should retire immediately on May 23 at the MIC headquarters here.

“If he is truly brave, he should accept my challenge... let the people judge. Let him say before the public what are his achievements, if any,” Mugilan said.

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