Joe Fernandez
May 20, 10
COMMENT Given his self-confessed fascination with the number 8, there's little doubt that MIC President S Samy Vellu has been consulting various numerologists and other quacks to set the date for his "retirement" from the party, if not politics.
It will be 17 months from this month before he walks away into the sunset, if at all. 1 + 7 is 8 which is Samy's number given his March 8 birthdate. May 2010 to September next year is 17 months.
The 17 in numerology comes from Samy himself since he said he will step down as party chief eight or nine months before the next party elections in May 2012. If we take 8 + 9, it gives us 17 which in numerology adds up to 8 i.e. 1 + 7.
Eight months before May 2012 brings us to September next year. Nine months before May 2012 means August next year. August is the eight month in the year.
Interestingly, Samy (left) briefed members of his inner circle of his quit decision on Monday May 17 where the two digits 1 and 7, add up to 8. This was a follow-up of his announcement on April 26 (2 + 6 = 8), a day after the Hulu Selangor by-election, that he had earlier re-assured Prime Minister Mohd Najib Abdul Razak that he will be leaving soon.
This is not the first time that Samy has made the quit pledge. He has made it before and then back-tracked.
Patently, faith and self-confidence are not among Samy's better qualities and in this way Samy denied the community where others could have contributed for the good of all.
It is said that we latch on to something other than ourselves because we lack self-confidence and faith in ourselves.
This is where the quacks come in and prey on the superstitious with their fairy tales, hocus pocus, mumbo jumbo and hogwash. It's not too difficult to see why Samy lacks self-confidence.
Saturday, March 8, 2008, was the when he was kicked out of Parliament by the voters of Sungei Siput. Even the Orang Asli on whom he relied more than the others to give him the winning edge, abandoned him.
Neither did the fraudulent "postal votes" because then Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi held them back from him and others as well.
Unkindest cut of all on birthday
March 8 was the final coup de grace. The irony of it all was that it was his birthday and 8 had been his "lucky number" for a very long time. This was the unkindest cut of all that cruel fate dealt him and he deserved it in all its fullest dimensions.
March 8 may have been a watershed of sorts. Yet, the truth is that things have not really been going his way for a very long time despite him winning election after election both at the party and parliamentary levels.
This should not come as a surprise since his mentor and one-time bosom pal, former Prime Minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad (right), was a monumental failure himself and allegedly squandered US$100 mil during his 22 years in office.
Failure is contagious while nothing breeds like success. Mahathir's departure from office, virtually in disgrace as a failure in addressing Malay economic woes, should have been the cue for Samy to exit likewise. Unfortunately, he went for broke on March 8, 2008 and paid the ultimate price.
Most of the "party" projects for one, many initiated by Samy, have gone sour over the years. The worst debacle was the RM100 mil Maika unit trust issue which has haunted his stewardship of the party for a good many years.
The Asian Institute of Medicine, Science and Technology (Aimst) in Kedah and United Oriental Assurance appear to be the exceptions.
Even here there is a big question mark since the troubled Maika unit trust, up for sale, holds a chunk of UOA. The result may be MIC ending up losing UOA (left), which is also the subject of a court injunction won by former MIC deputy president S Subramanian.
Pulling out of deep pit of misery
Aimst is also linked to Maju Institute of Educational Development which is the focus of a criminal breach of trust case pending in court.
Hence, it's difficult to fathom why Samy needs to prolong the agony and further delay his long overdue exit from a position where he, looking back, had no right to claim.
Of course we have in his words why he needs a further 17 months i.e. "to destroy all those in MIC who would destroy the party".
Samy's mean, vicious and vindictive mindset at work here, besides being superstitious, is the clearest indication of why and how he failed the Indian community in particular during the three decades and more that he squatted on them.
It's crystal clear that he himself has destroyed the MIC and perhaps the BN (Barisan Nasional) for good. He has been a monumental disaster and a failure in leadership that will traumatise the Indian community in particular for the rest of the century.
In any case, it could not have been any other way with an ex-office boy and part-time radio and TV drama actor like Samy. MIC members were the ultimate fools and slaves not to have realised that from the very beginning and done something about it even if it meant getting really rough in the process.
Samy will obviously deny every accusation hurled at him and claim that "everybody knows that he did a lot of good for the community during his time at the helm".
This pathetic defence can be easily demolished if we pause to consider some salient missing links in his so-called leadership during the last 30 years and more.
The fact is that in capacity building and human capital development, all the more so in an increasingly globalised world, a state will be weak and backward as long as any of its members are left out.
So, the MIC idea should have been to piggy-back ride on the state and society to get them to be as inclusive as possible. This, Samy failed to do, and instead he went along with Umno as it ran amok with the law, institutions and state apparatus.
He wrongly figured that it would be that much easier to exploit the community if they continued to remain vulnerable and dependent on the MIC.
Leaving out the women and minorities is one of the root causes of poverty in all its forms. This issue seriously endangers the security of the state while denying it of all the strength that it needs to sustain itself in the long run as a forward-looking, progressive nation.
The other is institutionalised state-sponsored discrimination on the basis of religion, ethnicity, colour, among other excuses to propagate the idea of divide-and-rule for a self-serving agenda.
Another is the state robbing people of their basic rights and heritage or denying them under some pretext or another and this includes the vital issue of land ownership.
A 4th is the existence of a culture of not reading, thinking, discussing, writing and studying when lifelong learning is the key to remaining productive and relevant in the globalised era.
Must MIC members have no choice but give Samy the benefit of the doubt when he says that he's really quitting this time? Must MIC members - no need to drag in the community wholesale - be held to ransom by a few quacks who have the ringgit signs in their eyes and have the ear of the MIC president?
But it was quite unnecessary of MIC Deputy Youth Chief V Mugilan (left) to kick a man when he was already down. Where was his bravado before this? He's obviously positioning himself for the post-Samy era, if it does really come in 17 months time.
For publicly bringing disrepute to the party and the presidency, Mugilan is likely to pay the ultimate price - summary dismissal.
There is no need to second guess what the Disciplinary Committee will recommend as the most suitable form of punishment for Mugilan.
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