Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Protest demo in Brickfields: SMS making the rounds .

KUALA LUMPUR: Police today advised the public to ignore a SMS going around urging people to gather in front of the Sri Kota building in Brickfields here tomorrow to protest the visit of Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh. City police chief Muhammad Sabtu Osman, in a statement here, said the SMS asked people to wear black or black armbands and gather at the venue at 10am.

"Police have not received any application from any parties to stage such a gathering and neither has any permit been issued for it."As such, the public is reminded that participating in the illegal gathering is an offence under Section 27 (5) of the Police Act 1967," he said.Muhammad Sabtu added that the illegal gathering would disturb the peace, disrupt traffic flow and might also cause tension that could affect public order.Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak and Manmohan are scheduled to open "Little India" in Brickfields tomorrow.

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