Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Little India launch: Nurul slighted by Saravanan .

KUALA LUMPUR: Nurul Izzah Anwar is disappointed that she was not extended an invitation for the launching of “Little India” in Brickfields by Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh despite being the MP of the constituency. The Lembah Pantai MP said she was given an assurance by Federal Territories and Urban Well-Being Deputy Minister M Saravanan that she will be invited to the event.

“Saravanan assured me that opposition lawmakers will be invited. However, there was no invitation and my text messages to the minister yesterday were ignored,” said Nurul.Nurul, who is also the adviser of the Little India Action Committee which oversaw the project, said that to add salt to injury, the chairman committee, S Pathavachalam, was invited to the function.“It is not a petty issue. The prime minister called for inclusiveness but here I'm being excluded from the function which I think is a disservice to my constituents,”said Nurul.

Nurul added that she will try to attend the launch later this evening and urged the government not to resort to shoddy politics at the domestic level.

Boycott by project committee

Pathavachalam confirmed that he was invited for the launch while Nurul was not.“I thought she will be invited. Saravanan personally told me this,” he said. "None of the Little India Action Committee members will be attending the event in support of Nurul."“I will not be going as my MP was not invited.”When contacted, Saravanan said the invitations were sent out by Wisma Putra, and so he needed to check.“If you really want to know, come and see me personally. Do not ask me through the phone,” Saravanan said before hanging up abruptly.

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