Indian Malaysians have been "decimated into
irrelevancy", says a grassroot non-governmental group in rebuking government
leaders for saying that the community has been well cared for under the
BN.Under the BN rule, the numbers of Indian gangsters, school dropouts,
unskilled workers and the urban poor have increased. BN has diverted problems of
the Indian to temples and Tamil schools, the Malaysian Indians Progressive
Association (Mipas) said today.
"Today, BN has turned the Indians into a hamper-receiving community (and) Umno thinks that by giving a bag of rice it has done great service. Only Indians without dignity and pride will ever support and vote for BN," Mipas secretary-general S Barathidasan said in a statement.
He said this in response to Deputy Prime Minister Muhyiddin
Yassin's statement during a Deepavali event on Oct 27 that the "BN government
has never disappointed the Indian community since independence 54 years
ago".Muhyiddin assertion that the government had succeeded in resolving
the various problems faced by the Indian community, Barathidasan said, was not
Indians, who were largely from the rubber estates, have been "reduced to slum dwellers on the fringes of major cities, without proper jobs or houses", he added.
"The community has slowly deteriorated into urban poverty, a ghetto community with increased crime. Today Indian youths make the highest numbers in prisons."Barathidasan also said that the numbers of Indian Malaysians in institutions of higher learning and the civil service have been drastically reduced."Indians (who) once dominated sports especially (the) track and field events (are) today almost non-existent," he said.
Participation in the country's economy has incapacitated Indian business people because of "the exclusive affirmative action policy for the bumiputera", he added."The BN government has outsourced all Indian problems to MIC, which is a weak and small partner in the ruling coalition," he said, calling the MIC "goons" for siphoning funds allocated to the community.Muhyiddin's statement, Barathidasan added, was mere "words that add insult to the injured Indian community" he and urged the community to be wise in voting for future leaders.
"Today, BN has turned the Indians into a hamper-receiving community (and) Umno thinks that by giving a bag of rice it has done great service. Only Indians without dignity and pride will ever support and vote for BN," Mipas secretary-general S Barathidasan said in a statement.
Indians, who were largely from the rubber estates, have been "reduced to slum dwellers on the fringes of major cities, without proper jobs or houses", he added.
"The community has slowly deteriorated into urban poverty, a ghetto community with increased crime. Today Indian youths make the highest numbers in prisons."Barathidasan also said that the numbers of Indian Malaysians in institutions of higher learning and the civil service have been drastically reduced."Indians (who) once dominated sports especially (the) track and field events (are) today almost non-existent," he said.
Participation in the country's economy has incapacitated Indian business people because of "the exclusive affirmative action policy for the bumiputera", he added."The BN government has outsourced all Indian problems to MIC, which is a weak and small partner in the ruling coalition," he said, calling the MIC "goons" for siphoning funds allocated to the community.Muhyiddin's statement, Barathidasan added, was mere "words that add insult to the injured Indian community" he and urged the community to be wise in voting for future leaders.
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