Saturday, March 21, 2015

The sad plight of the Indian community

It is safe to say that the Indian community in the country is at its worst position ever. 

From having to deal with the never ending turmoil in the political party which is supposed to represent it, to having fellow men chopping up each other, Indians have definitely seen better times.

Here's more bad news.

Recent statistics show that legal foreign workers outnumber the local ethnic Indian community.

That's right. There are 2.07 million documented foreign workers in the country, as opposed to only 1.98 million ethnic Indian population in the country, as of end of last year.

Some of these foreigners may even have permanent resident status or MyKads, while we still have a sizeable number of Indians still living with red identification cards (non-citizens).

There have been reports of elderly Indians living their whole lives, and dying with red ICs, despite having born and bred here.

Back to the numbers, bear in mind that this 2 plus million are only foreigners with papers, meaning those whose existence are known and documented by the government.

It is a given that there are a million, if not more, undocumented/illegals in the country, whose population can probably outnumber the Indian and Chinese population in the country. 

As a fellow Indian, I don't really know how to react to this news. Sad, yes, but for what? 

A group in the existing Indian population makes it a point to "cleanse" the community further, by chopping up each other on a frequent basis.

I remember when Hindraf cried that the Malaysian government was carrying out ethnic cleansing by gunning down and beating up Indian detainees in police lock-ups. 

Guess what? We don't need the police to do it. Our "machas" are very particular about weeding out their rivals when it comes to conducting their criminal activities.

Give them two bottles of alcohol and show a little bit money, they will even chop up their own kin.

Decades have gone since our independence, and the fate of the Indians have not changed much. 

Sure, there are those who have made it, but there's a sizeable number out there who resort to crime, and a corresponding number behind bars, for having done crime.

Who is to blame?

Is it, as MIC boss Datuk Seri G. Palanivel "allegedly" said "bloody Indians" --- who don't take it upon themselves to advance in life, and depend on the government to spoon feed them? 

Is it politicians and their parties who fail in championing the cause of the community they are supposed to represent?

The Indians after all are the minority, with the most number of political parties. 

Not surprisingly, none of the parties are doing their job right.
Or is it the government for "marginalising" a certain ethnicity?

Whatever the case is, perhaps it is time for the government to change facts in Geography books and official records to state that "warga asing" (foreigners) are the third largest population in the country, after the Bumiputera and the Chinese.

Indians can be lumped together with the "Lain-lain" (Others). 

And my Chinese friends, beware of your impending fate before you laugh at the Indians' predicament.

This is because last month, Minister in the Prime Minister's Department Datuk Dr Wee Ka Siong, raised the alarm that the number of foreign workers in Malaysia could overtake the ethnic Chinese population (which stands at 6.6 million as of September 2013), if left uncontrolled.

It is no secret that the foreigners' situation in the country is anything but under control. 

Having said that, don't be surprised if come 2020, Malaysians will be subjected to a situation where we have to report to foreigners who would end up controlling businesses and industries here.

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