Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Bung Mokhtar insinuates Indians are born robbers!

If Indians are not elected MPs, then they would be robbers! What a nasty insult to the Malaysian Indian community.

And that insulting insinuation was uttered by Umno’s Kinabatangan MP Datuk Bung Mokhtar in a debate in Parliament. Bung was not reprimanded by the Speaker and the insult is therefore “officially valid”! Indians in Malaysia are born robbers!

Well, that’s what the Umno-led Barisan Nasional (BN) thinks of the Indian community. But hey! Malaysians who continue to vote for BN shouldn’t be complaining. You deserve the government you elected.

You deserve the treatment the government dishes out to you. According to a Malaysiakini video clip of the debate in Parliament, Bung and PKR’s Kapar MP G Manivannan were locked in a heated debate when the racist remark was made.

Bung uttered: “If you weren’t elected, you’d be a robber!” Does such racist arrogance from an Umno MP surprise any Malaysian? When will such insults and Malay supremacy statements stop?

It will not because at every general election, the meek Malaysians will just fall for the carrots dangled by BN. The May 31 Teluk Intan by-election is testimony to this fact. And don’t think the likes of Bung have a beef with only the Indian community.

All non-Malays and also Malays who do not support Umno are targeted. Umno-controlled Utusan Malaysia’s favourite “celebrity”, Ridhuan Tee Abdullah, now tells BN not to be too grateful to the non-Malay voters! Malaysiakini reported Ridhuan as saying even though BN’s share of Chinese and Indian votes increased in the Teluk Intan by-election, the ruling coalition need not be overly grateful to them.

“Whatever the reason given for the increase in Chinese and Indian votes (for BN), the attention must still be on Malay Muslim voters. “Do not be too thankful to other people and forget our own,” he said in a column in Sinar Harian.

What do you expect from one who has forgotten his roots and is trying very hard to become more Malay than Malays?

The fact that the Umno-led BN government allows race and religious bigots like Ridhuan to spew anti-national unity venom unabated, you can expect the 14th general election to be the same as all previous elections.

Umno’s politics of race and religious divisiveness will continue to reign supreme. You can watch Bung's infamous remark here.

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