Monday, March 05, 2018

Indian actor Vivek admires ‘stylish’ Dr M

PETALING JAYA: It looks like former prime minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad is not only held in high regard by his Pakatan Harapan (PH) supporters, but has also earned the admiration of popular Indian actor and comedian Vivek.

In a Twitter post, Vivekh, better known as Vivek, expressed his admiration for the PH prime ministerial candidate although he did add a year to Mahathir’s age.

“Look at the majestic stylish walk of Dr Mahathir the ex-prime minister n the maker of modern Malaysia, at the age of just 94!!!!” Vivek tweeted.

For the record, Mahathir turns 93 in July.

Vivek’s tweet was accompanied by a 30-second video of Mahathir at the Kuala Lumpur International Airport. The video has been viewed 18,300 times, re-tweeted 384 times and liked by 2,700 of Vivek’s followers.

The actor has won three Filmfare Best Comedian Awards for his performances in Run (2002), Saamy (2003) and Perazhagan (2004).

Vivek’s tweet also received more than 70 comments. Among them was from Nalini who tweeted: “Yeah sir… he is the greatest man of Malaysia… our lovable Tun Dr.Mahathir! The power of country! Thank u sir.”

Another follower, Navinraja, posted a picture of Mahathir cycling, and said: “He even cycles at this age.”

Many have admired the former prime minister for his apparent boundless energy despite his age. However, the hectic schedule he has been keeping as he tries to drum up support for PH has taken a toll on his health.

Mahathir was admitted to the National Heart Institute (IJN) last month for a chest infection. It was the second time in 19 months that the PPBM chairman had been warded there for chest infection.

The last time he was admitted for treatment and observation was in August 2016.

Mahathir underwent coronary bypass surgery in 1989. He had another heart bypass surgery in 2007.

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